
Recharge your batteries in nature | Autumn vacations in a Wellness Hotel - Hubertus unplugged

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Angebote zu besonderen Terminen 

Hier finden Sie Angebote zu besonderen Terminen in den Wellness-Hotels & Resorts. Sie möchten über Weihnachten, in den Herbst- oder Sommerferien Wellnessurlaub machen? Sie suchen eine Idee für Wellness zum Muttertag, ein Angebot für eine romantische Auszeit zum Valentinstag oder möchten einen Brückentag für einen Kurzurlaub im Wellnesshotel nutzen? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig! 

Viel Spaß bei der Auswahl des passenden Wellnessangebots!

Our Wellness & Fine dining-Tips for you

Smell fresh and young

According to the US scientist Dr. Hirsch and its study on the sense of smell, you come across six years younger if you smell like pink grapefruit. So simply use fruity perfume of shower gel and say good bye to the obvious aging process.

Infused Water

Infused Water is water with a taste and is supposed to help to meet the daily fluid needs. For this purpose, you can put fruits, vegetables and various herbs together with water in a glass carafe and let it soak through for one night. The water gets an aroma kick and should encourage you to drink more.


Simply write all worries down and then throw away the piece of paper: This way you objectify your feelings. Are you happier again already?


Even more about Wellness & Fine dining

Wellness Glossary


Mindfulness is a well-known method of reducing stress. It is also known as MBSR.

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Five Tibetans

The ‘Five Tibetans’ were mentioned for the first time in a book published in approximately 1939, which was dedicated to the American globetrotter Peter Kelder.

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