Time for us

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Quality time for us. Quality time with your partner almost seems unattainable these hectic days in between work, children and all other responsibilities. But shared timeouts are of great importance for every relationship and therefore every now and then definitely necessary.

Romantic time out for two in a Wellness Hotel - Wellness-Hotels & Resorts

Wellness weekends for couples

Even though the occasions for those weekends might be rare, the anticipation will be even bigger once you have found a suitable date. Wellness for your souls and bodies - while the grandparents are taking care of the children.

Wellness time - Time for two at the pool - Wellness-Hotels & Resorts

Offers for couples in wellness hotels

Wellness hotels are conscious about how those timeouts are especially valuable for couples. Therefore, they propose plenty of offers, which can be experienced and enjoyed together.

Amongst others, you can enjoy massages and relaxing baths together. Maybe even with a glass of champagne?

Taking walks or even doing hikes together gives you the opportunity to talk about and reflect on all the things that you don't have the time for at home.

After those physical activities there is nothing more tempting than a spa. After a relaxing visit in the sauna you will forget that everyday stress even exists.

Couple at the restaurant Teichpavillon during a stylish dinner at Hotel Deimann, Schmallenberg, Hochsauerland

Romantic candlelight dinner

In the evening, you and your partner deserve a romantic candlelight dinner. Here, great importance will be attached to fresh and regional food, which will spoil you. Of course the cooks consider possible incompatibilities. To end this beautiful day, you can enjoy delicious drinks at the bar.

Taking consciously timeouts together as a couple is important in order to regain strength for the challenges of everyday life.

Our Time for us-Tips for you

Slow food

Fast food makes you gain weight. Not only the fatty dishes but also eating too fast is unhealthy. If you eat slower and chew properly, you effectively minimize the risk of being overweight and getting affected by the sicknesses that can be caused by that. The reason for that is that you realize you are full a lot quicker.

Energy Kick

Sport is not good for staying in shape, but is an excellent energy boost as well. Scientists have discovered that moving activates the cells’ protections and regeneration mechanism. So, if you are feeling sluggish, go for a run, a swim or do gymnastics. This way you will feel fit again in no time!

Relaxation through cuddling

In fact, physical contact leads to more satisfaction. The reason is the happiness hormone oxytocin, which is released during cuddling. The same effect can also be achieved by caressing your beloved pet.


Even more about Time for us

Wellness Glossary

Full Body Aroma Massage

The full-body aroma massage is a massage with fragrant essential oils. It has a positive effect on the psyche.

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For thousands of years baths have been taken for medicinal purposes to help alleviate health problems as well as for their relaxing benefits.

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